Sunday 11th
It is only day 3 and we have already weathered a storm (at
anchor), caught a floating mooring in the rudder and the automatic bilge pump
in the engine room has failed. All of this is part of the game and we have
learned something from it.
What we wish did not happen is that Julia cut her foot while
exploring the rocks. Cara who was
cooking pasta transformed instantly into a surgeon with gloves and everything
else. The cut was deep, it would probably have been stitched. Cara cleaned it, closed it with steri-strips
and dressed it. What’s more amazing is that after all this she still put on the
table spaghetti perfectly “al dente”.
Crossing fingers for Julia’s speedy recovery as she won’t be
able to get her foot wet for at least a week.
On a positive note, the storm proved that our new anchor
holds well even in 20m depth; more importantly we wake up to a spectacular
view, the water-maker is running smoothly so we can shower until our hearts are
content and the girls are happy.
We started school today but it took all morning to cover one subject!
Forza Julia, non preoccuparti se il taglio non ti permette di approfittare del mare. Tra qualche giorno sarai in piena forma e nuoterai come un delfino!