“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Thursday, December 1, 2011

5 novembre
Siamo rimasti a Tioman alcuni gironi per rifornirci e rifocillarci. Visto che la pioggia non dava tregua, abbiamo approfittato  di una "finestra" meteo piu' favorevole per rimetterci in rotta per Singapore.

Il giorno che siamo partiti, Tioman ha indossato il  suo vestito piu' bello: il sole caldo, il mare calmo, une bella brezza leggera e la giungla color smeraldo sulle montagne: ci torneremo senz'altro l'anno prossimo.
Abbiamo veleggiato (col solo genova) fino al tramonto e cenato sotto le stelle. 

Il resto della notte e' stato senza vento e l'unica cosa da segnalare e' stata verso le 3 del mattino.  Cara era di guardia mentre io dormivo in pozzetto; Cara mi ha svegliato dicendo che stava arrivando un temporale. Io mi sono levato in piedi e, giuro, NON C'ERA un filo di vento; il tempo di mettermi gli occhiali e prepararmi (3 minuti al massimo) e c'erano 40 nodi! Mai vista cosa simile. La cosa positiva e' che il vento veniva da terra (da ovest) e quindi non ha alzato grandi onde.
Unico fastidio: la pioggia di nuovo giu' per il collo.
Alle 11 del mattino seguente, con Anna al timone, siamo arrivati a

Anna al timone  con tanto di cappello della GuardiaCostiera (guarda anche l'altra foto)

Questo segna la fine della prima fase della nostra
navigazione; la prossima parte ci portera' sulla costa ovest della
Malesia e Tailandia.

Saturday 5th November
It rained and rained in Tioman, even Olivia seemed to say she had had enough of the rain!  The girls were brilliant being confined to the boat but they did rush out to run on the pontoon whenever there was a break in the rain.

having fun in the marina and spotting eagle rays

Fish in Tioman Marina - Pesci nel porto di Tioman

The wind was about to turn and we decided to leave to Singapore.  We set sail at 3pm in wonderful conditions with a burst of sunshine, calm waters and light breeze from the East.  We sailed beautifully (with only jib obviously) into the sunset and had dinner under the stars.

I was lucky to have had the first shift as I had calm seas and some light from the moon. There was a fair amount of lightning in the distance and there was a spectacular light show, however it finally caught up with us and at 3am Enrico who was sleeping in the cockpit woke up with the first drop of rain.  When he got up, there was still NO wind; in the time it took to get ready (about 3
minutes) the wind was blowing at 40 Kn! The good news is that it was blowing from the West so it didn't raise big waves.
On the following morning, soaked once more we arrived in Singapore with Anna at the helm.

Anna at the helm with a Coast Guard cap

This concludes the first phase of our journey.  We will stay on land and travel to China while the monsoon changes.  In December we will sail towards West coast Malaysia and Thailand.

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