“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Monday, February 27, 2012

5th February

Il 5 febbraio siamo salpati di nuovo verso nord e siamo arrivati alla mitica isola di Koh Phi Phi Le, resa famosa dal film con Leonardo Di Caprio.

La spiaggia e’ in una baia circondta ad anfiteatro da rocce altissime; se uno non guarda l’entrata (abbastanza stretta) ha l’impressione di trvarsi in un lago.
L’unico problema sono le barche di turisti: dalle 9 fino alle 17 e’ un inferno di motoscafi, traghetti e gozzi.  Mentre Cara e le bambine erano sul tender, il motore di un motoscafo che le precedeva ha preso fuoco con un gran botto (e sono motori a benzina); come potete immaginare le bambine ne parlano ancora adesso.
Ma verso il tramonto se ne vanno tutti e restano solo 4-5 barche all’ancora ed allora si che e’ un paradiso. 
We arrived in Koh Phi Phi Le in the afternoon and it is truly spectacular.  Again over-run by tourists but an amazing sight as we sailed into the amphitheatre.  The speed boats and long tail boats leave in the evening and we had the beach to ourselves which was a real treat.  
The moon was almost full and the girls were in heaven when we took them for a night swim under the stars.  Chaos returned the next day with about 200 people on the beach at one point.  As we were heading back to Olivia in the dinghy, an engine on a speed boat infront of us exploded and caught fire – Cara rapidly turned away and urged our 5hp engine to get us away from any potential danger.  Luckily another speedboat had a fire extinguisher and went to the rescue.
Mentre le bambine nuotavano al tramonto ho avuto ‘impressione che Anna fosse immersa fino alla vita in una chiazza di petrolio di 3m x 10m.  Sono corso a vedere e con mia grande sopresa ho visto che invece erano pesciolni che nuotavano in branco; quando Anna (e le sorelle) camminavano la chiazza si apriva per poi richuidersi dietro di loro.

La prima notte poi c’era la luna piena ed abbiao portato le bambine sulla spiaggia per il loro pimo bagno di mezzanotte.
Nadia swimming with the fish / Nadia che nuota in una "chiazza" di pesci
We spent another night in the bay and enjoyed a picnic breakfast before the crowds came.  There was a shoal of fish that you could swim into and it would surround you – it’s shape changing according to your movements, we had never seen anything like it before.
picnic breakfast
On the 7th we anchored for the night in a bay near Phuket as we needed to come into Boat Lagoon marina for some engine maintenance.  The entrance to the marina is very shallow and we could only get in at high tide – even then we got stuck in the mud at one point.
Julia closing the sail cover / Julia aiuta a piegare la randa
After a sweltering 3 nights in Boat Lagoon with no complaining about the heat and mosquitos, we came around to the west side of Phuket. Ten friends were flying out from Italy for a week to charter a catamaran so we joined them sailing to the Similans and Surins.

Il 7 febbraio siamo arrivati a Phuket dove abbiamo passato tre giorni in un marina con un caldo allucinante.

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