“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Mark Twain

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My papa has caught a fish in the marina… 3 October 2011

Yesterday we moored in the marina at Tioman Island.
It’s a small marina and we have been welcomed by the local community of cruisers who helped us with just about everything: mooring, electricity, provisioning, entertaining the girls…
Today, after school, it was maintenance day (actually every day is maintenance day).
I was on the pontoon doing some work with Nadia buzzing around me dressed only in her panties; periodically she would go to the other boats (also doing maintenance) and offer to help because “I can use a REAL hammer without squashing my fingers”.
At a certain point I saw a small fishing boat coming in; I ran to their mooring to buy five fish. When I got back to the boat I was surrounded by the girls who were very excited about it. At a certain point one of the fish started wriggling and Anna implored me to set it free. She was so upset so I agreed and freed the fifth fish who after a few swims went belly up, clearly dead.  The water in the marina is so clear (you can see the bottom and lots of tropical fish) that I decided to pick up the famous fifth fish.
Nadia was super excited and said that she must absolutely show the fish to the other boats, but, she added, “I can’t go just in my panties” as if she hadn’t being roaming around in panties all afternoon.
So she put on a nice girly dress, picked up the fish and visited all the other boats on the pontoon announcing: “My papa has caught a fish in the marina!”.
Nadia: "If you touch the eyeball of a fish, it is all goey"
Very quickly I was surrounded by the other boaters who wanted to know why on earth I had started fishing in the marina.
Once the misunderstanding had been clarified, it was time to fillet the fish…

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